selen solak

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I am an artist and researcher.

My work revolves around critical examinations of everyday life and the interconnections among humans, nonhuman entities, and our natural and political environments. I contemplate various subjects, considering both the inclusions and exclusions implicit in these connections.

Recently, I have been looking at the structures of daily scientific activities their spatial arrangements encompassing materials, behaviors, scientific results and thoughts from a perspective willing to withstand the existing narratives.

My scientific research spans the fundamental behaviors of energy devices such as solar cells. Moreover, I independently investigate and collaborate on the political and social ramifications of material implications and energy technologies.

I primarily use photography, video, and writing in my practice. Additionally, I am involved in self-publishing, and creating zines either independently or collaboratively, all while pursuing my academic research.

I hold a bachelor's double major in engineering and visual arts from Yildiz Technical University, Istanbul. Subsequently, I pursued my master’s degree at Bogazici University, Istanbul, and obtained my Ph.D. in natural sciences from the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research. Since then, I have continued my postdoctoral research and artistic work.

Please contact for detailed CV. 

mail: selensolak[at]



scientific publications


Recent Artistic Publications

MATTER OF FLUX. Art, Biopolitics, and Networks with Care. Ed. by Regine Rapp (Art LaboratoryBerlin) Berlin, 2024

Recent Exhibitions & Contributions

Circumstance, together with Seda Mimaroğlu, periode, Berlin, Sept. 2023

Festival contributor, Matter of Flux Women/ FLINTA* in Art, Science and Technology, Art Laboratory Berlin, 15-18.06.2023

Artist interview video as part of WAWA collective, Beyond Home, Kunstraum Kreuzberg, 10.06-20.08.2023   

Premier of short film Long days at Istanbul Film festival, 2023

Alan#1 hosts Seda Mimaroğlu’s reading performance and Selen Solak’s artwork, Ev/Heim, Berlin, daadgalerie, 2022

Video screening of Blue, WAE, Womxn from Arts to Engineering Festival 202l, October 6-7, Berlin, 2022

Artist Talk, Troubled relations, moderated by Erden Kosova, June 8, Apartman Project, Berlin, 2022

Troubled relations, Exhibition by İrem Sözen and Selen Solak June 8, Apartman Project, Berlin, 2022

Selen Solak  2024